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SportsEngine account

Everyone created a SportsEngine account when they registered their player for ESS.

SportsEngine App

The mobile app is available for iOS and Android. 

You should see your player’s team under Teams on the Home screen in the app. Try refreshing the screen if you don’t see your team. 


SportsEngine in a browser

To access SportsEngine in a browser go to

Team Rosters

Team rosters are available in SportsEngine for all divisions.


Game schedules are available in SportsEngine for the following divisions:  3/4 Boys, 3/4 Girls, 5/6 Boys, 5/6 Girls. These schedules are also available on

The home field and rotation schedule is available in SportsEngine for 1/2 Girls and 1/2 Boys. Click on the weekly event to see the description. The home fields and rotation schedule are also available on

Communication using SportsEngine

We recommend using Messages to communicate with your team and coaches. A message gets sent to everyone’s email or text, depending on how their preferences are configured. Chat is only seen in the app.

In the app, choose Messages from the Team page. Select the plus in a circle in the lower right corner to create a new message.

In a browser, select your Team, then Roster, and finally Message to send a message.

Adding an additional email to receive messages

It is possible to add additional emails to receive messages if you did not include them when you registered. 

How to Add Additional Emails to Receive Messages for an Athlete